Here are some of the answers to questions we hear asked frequently about competitive powerlifting in the UK and Ireland.
The current records for GBPF (British Powerlifting Federation) can be found here.
The current records for IPF (Irish powerlifting Federation) can be found here.
The current records for ABPU can be found here or on Open Powerlifting.
The current records for BDFPA can be found here.
The rules for squat, bench, and deadlift vary slightly from federation to federation.
The rules for all three lifts in GBPF/IPF can be found in the IPF Technical Rulebook (pg. 20-26).
The rules for all three lifts for the ABPU/AWPC can be found in their Official Rulebook (pg.8-12).
The rules for all three lifts for the BDFPA can be found in their Official Rulebook (pg. 33-37).
As with lift commands and technical rules, regulations surrounding clothing and supportive equipment vary from federation to federation.
If you are competing in the IPF, EPF or GBPF you will be expected to wear equipment in accordance with IPF Technical Rules and only equipment that is listed on the IPF Approved List.
If you are competing in the ABPU or AWPC you will need to ensure that your clothing conforms to their Official Rulebook requirements.
If you are competing in BDFPA you will need to ensure that your clothing conforms to their Official Rulebook requirements.
What are the rules surrounding drug testing?
The GBPF and IPF are drug tested federations. British Powerlifting is unequivocal in its opposition to drugs in sport and strictly adheres to the IPF and the WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) code. All international lifters are required to register with the IPF and are included in their Out of Competition Testing Pool. In addition, competitors for British Championships are required to complete a 'whereabouts' form, as part of our new online application process, to enable OOC in the time period preceding the championships. Details of their anti-doping rules can be found here.
The ABPU and AWPC, and BDFPA are also drug tested federations. The ABPU is governed by the testing rules and by-laws of the AWPC. You can find an outline of their policy on drug testing here and here for BDFPA.
You can find the WADA (World Anti-Doping Association) list of banned substances here.
Useful anti-doping links here.
GBPF and the IPF age classes are split into the below:
Open: from the day the lifter reaches 14 years and upwards (no category restrictions need apply).
Sub-Junior: from the day the lifter reaches 14 years and throughout the full calendar year in which the lifter reaches 18 years.
Junior: from 1 January in the calendar year the lifter reaches 19 years and throughout the full calendar year in which the lifter reaches 23 years
Master I: from 1 January in the calendar year the lifter reaches 40 years and throughout the full calendar year in which the lifter reaches 49 years.
Master II: from 1 January in the calendar year the lifter reaches 50 years and throughout the full calendar year in which the lifter reaches 59 years.
Master III: from 1 January in the calendar year the lifter reaches 60 years and throughout the full calendar year in which the lifter reaches 69 years.
Master IV: from 1 January in the calendar year the lifter reaches 70 years and upwards
Age classes in the ABPU/AWPC are categorised as below:
Open (Senior): from 13 years upward.
Master i) from 40 years to and including 44 years of age
Master ii) from 45 years to and including 49 years of age
Master iii) from 50 years to and including 54 years of age
Master iv) from 55 years to and including 59 years of age
Master v) from 60 years to and including 64 years of age
Master vi) from 65 years to and including 69 years of age
Master vii) from 70 years to and including 74 years of age
Master viii) from 75 years to and including 79 years of age
Master ix) from 80 years upward
Sub Master from 33 years to and including 39 years of age
Junior from 20 years to and including 23 years of age
Teenage i) from 13 years to and including 15 years of age
Teenage ii) from 16 years to and including 17 years of age
Teenage iii) from 18 years to and including 19 years of age
Age classes for BDFPA are categorised as shown below:
OPEN: From 14 years upwards (No category restrictions need apply).
TEENAGE: (T1) from 14-15 years, (T2) 16-17 years, (T3) 18-19 years.
JUNIOR: From 20 years up to and including 23 years of age.
MASTER: (Men and Women) (M1) from 40-44 years, (M2) 45-49 years and so on in five year increments, ad infinitum.
How do I join a federation?
Most federations allow you to get membership online, follow the links below to check out membership for the different federeations:
GBPF membership
ABPU membership
BDFPA membership
Most federations allow you to get membership online, follow the links below to check out membership for the different federeations:
GBPF qualifying totals
ABPU qualifying totals
BDFPA qualifying totals